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“How To” workshops

Redefine SIV

It all starts with a question :

How to ?

How to become the best pilot you can ever be ?
How to become safer while enjoying the process ?
How to reconcile ourselves with flying, and rediscover the joy of learning ?

    How to Workshop


    Launching Price
    See Product
    • Primary online meeting
    • 7 days of coaching in Oludeniz
    • Small groups (5 max)
    • Unlimited flights
    • Priority on mental training and practice over theory
    • Focusing on deep, interactive and participative learning
    • Free mid-air shooting session

    How to Workshop

    Garda Weekends

    Launching Price
    See Product
    • Primary online meeting
    • 3 days of coaching over Lake Garda
    • Small groups (5 max)
    • Unlimited flights
    • Priority on mental training and practice over theory
    • Focusing on deep, interactive and participative learning
    • Free mid-air shooting session

    Our methods, your path.

    01. Our Philosophy

    The „How To“ workshops represent what we, as pilots, were always dreaming of. A space in which mistakes are considered as important as success, both bricks of the learning process. A method that speaks to each one of you individually instead of trying to fit everyone in the same pool.

    02. Coaching more than Teaching

    We believe in coaching more than teaching. Meaning that our coaches have as much to learn from you as you do from them. Our method ? Listen, with patience and make you the main actor of your progression path and help you throughout your learning journey, before, during and after the course. We put the emphasis on deep, interactive and proactive learning, where the skills learned and mental state reached during our course have to have a real value when you go flying back home and not only give you a false feeling of knowledge.

    03. Our method, your path

    During the course you will be supported in every flight if you need it but we also help you every day to find your pace, the number of flights which will be optimal to achieve what we’ve planned. We will build, together, knowledge and mindset which will stay for a lifetime. Our method, your path.

    04. Ongoing Support

    At Co-Pilot we don’t believe in the „once per year“ rollercoaster, we consider that our workshop is just a little part of the continuous job you have to do all year long, as a pilot, in order to be safe, achieve your goals and finally unlock your true potential. Therefore we stay accessible even after the course and invite you to follow one of our online programs that will in the end allow you to keep strengthening your skills wherever you fly.

    Primary meeting prior to the workshop dates to “Help you build your path”

    At Co-Pilot we don’t ask you to fit in a preset path but we take the time to build it with you and for you. We build together the tools which will provide you ease and safety all along your paragliding journey

    Focusing on deep, interactive and participative learning

    In all our workshops we put emphasis on letting you be an actor of your own progression. We don’t teach you, we learn together the best way to make you achieve your goals. We learn together how to know yourself and your learning processes better.

    Focusing on overall skills expertise instead of incident-driven processes and solutions

    At co-pilot we don’t ask you to automate a series of pre-set movements but help you to improve and widen your deep understanding of piloting in order to always react to any situation with a situation-adapted answer. Doing so, we ensure that your next flights back home will be safer not only because you “feel” safer but because you indeed became a better and safer pilot thanks to our workshop.

    Modern communication tools to support your progression (Bones conduction headphones, GoPro and video debrief

    Bone conduction headphones : Following our vision of participative learning, we use internet calls* to guide you in the air with bone conduction headphones. Not only for you to hear your coach’s voice clearer but to allow a more natural conversation while you’re under guidance. This communication method will automatically make you feel safer and will allow you to naturally give us more feedback while flying.

    Edited Video debrief : each coach at Co-Pilot is an expert in reading and editing inside videos and will offer you flight debriefing based on your inside footage, with crucial informations and commentaries so you can keep track of your progression and keep using those videos as a learning tool for your personal use.

    *a radio will also be provided to face any issue during the flight

    Long term follow-up of each pilot before and after the course*

    Our vision is that progression is always a long term process. That is why, in order to support you the best way possible, before and after your course, all along your paragliding journey, you’ll be free to choose one of our long term online programs. Doing so, your coach will know you better and help you to keep pursuing your goals wherever you are in the world.

    *Some of our online programs already include a free slot in one of our “how to” workshops per year, but you can also buy the course separately.

    Extra Value

    7 days in paradise

    We choose Oludeniz warmth and reliable weather to provide the highest number of flights possible during the whole duration of the workshop.

    Unlimited number of flights

    Each individual in our group will have the freedom to fly and exercise as much as he wants under his coach supervision. We will of course be there to help you decide on the relevance of each flight to maximize learning and safety.

    Free shooting session - unforgettable memories

    In order to let you go back home with the head full of new skills and the heart full of good memories, each workshop includes a private free mid-air shooting session with your personal coach so you can leave with mind blowing and unforgettable flying images.

    Redefining SIV

    A diferent aproach for better results

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