Which Airport should I arrive at ?
Dalaman is the closest airport, Antalya can be an option as well but the transfer is longer.
Airport Transfer
Contact us directly on WhatsApp with your flight number and we will arrange a private shuttle for you.
There is a cheaper option to take the shuttle bus from the airport to Feythie and then the local bus service to Oludeniz
Where should I stay ?
We highly recommend the Tonoz Beach Hotel as it’s where everyone is staying and the closest hotel from the meeting/landing spot. This hotel includes a nice breakfast in the morning.
But you’re free to choose whatever hotel you prefer.
What to bring
2M radio and a spare if you have it.
Everything you need to fly.
Camera, preferably 360, and a knee mount.
Dress for altitude it’s 2000m (5,000 ft) high you may need warm clothes
Suitable foot wear.
Hat and sunglasses.
Paragliding License
In Oludeniz you are required to have your license at all times and will need a photograph of it to create an account for take off access. Please carry it with you. An IPPI card / BHPA license is a plus, but your national federation license should also work.
You will need to register each flight and you will be given a barcode to gain entry to take-off. More details here: https://shmfethiye.kapadokya.edu.tr/en/fethiye
It is important that you have adequate cover for medical and repatriation services. Please check your policy to make sure it is valid for the time you are with us, it covers paragliding and also that it is valid for the location booked. Prior to the course we will be asking to see your insurance details to ensure your safety. In case you do not have valid cover, you will NOT be granted a place on the course and you will receive no refund.
Please bring a copy of your insurance for our records.
We also invite you to have a travel insurance that could cover the cancellation costs and other unexpected extra travel costs that could happen during your stay
Getting to Take off
Transportation will be with preferably with cable car (or shuttle in case the cable car isn’t running) You’ll need cash or card with you for each flight. Flights must be opened and closed by creating an account on the web site https://shmfethiye.kapadokya.edu.tr/
Radios and Chargers
It is important you bring a 2m radio which can receive and transmit from 140.00 – 145.00. We will, in case of malfunction, be able to provide radios. Radios, radio batteries and antennas are hard to find on paragliding sites. If you would like to hire a radio, please let us know. A waterproof radio is a must have.
Life Jackets
Self inflating life jackets will be provided for the duration of the course
Wifi and Mobile Data
In order to attend the course with maximum comfort (instruction can be done by internet call to ensure perfect communication) then a mobile sim purchased at the airport is a great idea, sims are more expensive at the resort. E-Sims might be your best option and are available from various companies including https://www.airalo.com (you need to download the app)
FAQ Online Coaching
When does the coaching period start ?
After the preliminary call, we decide together when the first day will be.
What do I need ?
- A paragliding equipment of course (Wing, harness, 1-3 rescues, helmet, etc.)
- A smartphone
- A GoPro/Insta360 (preferably 360 camera for better video analysis)
How does it work ?
After the preliminary video call meeting, the coach will make a training plan for the chosen period. Then every time you get to fly, you send videos of your flights through Whatsapp and the coach will debrief them.
What is the best way to send the videos ?
In order to avoid unnecessary editing, just do a video screen record of the video and send the screen record file through whatsapp.
Paragliding Licence
The coaching is addressed only to people which already have a national paragliding licence.
It is important that you have adequate cover for medical and repatriation services. Please check your policy to make sure it is valid for the time you are doing the coaching. It should cover paragliding and also that it is valid for the location where you’re flying. Prior to the coaching starts we will be asking to see your insurance details to ensure your safety. In case you do not have valid cover, you can’t get any coaching for obvious safety reasons.
How many videos can I send ?
Depending on the coaching package chosen, you can send as many videos as you need to during the coaching period. Each plan offers you a certain number of days per week/month/year during which you can send them. The coach reserves himself the time of the day he will debrief those videos depending on his own schedule.